Our Service Philosophy

At Crystal Green Family Day Care service, we respect and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as Australia’s First People and the traditional custodians of the land of our service. We commit to continuing to learn about First Nations culture, history, identity and connection to Country, and in creating culturally safe environments and educational programs where there is positive recognition and celebration of culture.
We are committed to and prioritise child safety, championing and modelling this at all levels of our service in keeping children safe and, in taking action when there are concerns about children’s safety.
We embrace, respect and celebrate the richness of the local community with children, their families and our educators; each who bring a wealth of diversity, language, and culture to our service.
We recognise that families are the primary and most influential educator in their child’s life, and we actively collaborate to support continuity of care with a shared understanding of each child's needs and progress through open communication, creating trust and mutual respect which are fundamental to our partnership.
Our educators have the knowledge, skills and experience to provide quality care, in a home-based setting, in a space where children safety and wellbeing are supported and protected, and where each child’s unique needs are met with sensitivity and understanding.
Children are encouraged to try new things, have fun, explore and discover in a natural, open-ended play-based learning environment, to freely express their ideas and opinions, and for these to be heard and included in our programs.
We see every child as a capable and able participant in their learning which enables us to see the world through their eyes, allowing us to reflect on our educational practice and achieve a child centred approach.
We welcome and encourage feedback from children, families, educators and our local communities which support us to critically reflect on our practice and ensures that we continually improve.
We will support children of Crystal Green Family Day Care to become compassionate, empathetic, culturally conscious individuals who embrace diversity, equality, and fairness.